Valley Oil
Valley Oil
36 Brownstone Ave.
Portland, CT
Central Air Conditioning
With electric rates on the rise, energy efficiency is a priority again. If you've been thinking about upgrading your outdated central air system or replacing old, inefficient window units with a new central air system, now is the best time to take action before the hot, muggy summer weather arrives. In addition, you may be eligible for up to $1,500 in Federal Tax credits when you upgrade to select high efficiency Energy Star rated models! Call us today for details!
If you think your home could never have central air without heavy and expensive renovations think again! We have a line of high-efficiency, central cooling equipment from Space-Pak that's developed especially for homes without any existing ductwork.
When it's real hot... the only real solution is cool central air conditioning.
Our Central Air Conditioning Services Include:
Prompt professional installation
Flexible Payment and Financing Options
Create a healthier indoor climate; reduce airborne allergens
Higher energy efficiency rations (SEER)
Lower operating costs
Annual service check-ups availableA
Call 800-951-2941 to schedule a cooling comfort analysis at your home. There is no cost or obligation for this service.
Copyright 2009, Valley Oil - CT Lic. S1 390675; SM1 4438; S1 303006; SM1 4448; HOD# 402
