Taylor Energy
Taylor Energy
152 Broad Brook Road - Broad Brook, CT
Call us toll free: (877) 623-3308
Call us locally: (860) 623-3308
Fax: (860) 623-1356
Taylor Energy has been your good neighbor in the fuel oil business since 1927. We are here to serve you and we're here to stay. Mark Taylor is the fourth generation to own and operate Taylor Energy. Mark is personally committed to providing you with the finest customer service.
Our customers are important to us because, at the end of the day, when work is done we go home just like you do and find that our neighbors are also our customers.
We take great pride in our service department and offer 24 hour around-the-clock emergency service. When you need us, we will be here for you. Your call will be answered quickly. A home comfort specialist will be dispatched to your location and your problem addressed in a timely, professional manner.
Our home comfort specialists are highly trained, licensed and experienced. We can handle any furnace, boiler or air conditioning problem. Whether your needs are an installation of new equipment, maintenance or trouble shooting - we can help.
Our people are licensed by the State of Connecticut and have the expertise and experience to meet and exceed your needs. We have the equipment and personnel necessary to handle any problem relating to you heating or air conditioning needs.
Taylor Energy is a company you can trust to be here when you need us. We've proven that for more than 80 years. We're local. We care. Let our family serve your family.
Taylor Energy has over 3,000 customers including:
Revay's Gardens
Herb Holden Trucking
Ross Transportation
Saint Bartholomew Parish
Taylor Energy is licensed in Connecticut and Massachusetts.
CT License Number: 303780
MA License Number: 023647
Call us toll free: (877) 623-3308
Or locally at: (860) 623-3308
Or Fax us: (860) 623-1356
