Energy Vectors
Energy Vectors
24 Woodland Drive
Granby, CT 06035
Phone: (860) 653-6318
Fax: (860) 653-6309
Company Overview
Energy Vectors, operating since 1980, is a manufacturer's rep, design and service firm specializing in building energy systems and providing products, applications, design, engineering and customer service.
Focus on HVAC and Energy Systems
Our focus has always been on HVAC system design, installation, and service for the commercial and industrial building sectors. Projects include:
Water-side and air-side HVAC system installations, including steam and water boilers
Water heaters
Fan coil units
Steam stations and distribution piping
Variable air volume system installation and tuning
Building Controls and Automation
Energy Audits
Remote Metering and Data Acquisition
Automation Systems
We have designed, installed, and commissioned many types of building automation systems, including Andover, Siemens, Siebe, GE, Automated Logic and Alerton.
Product Representation
We have products that complement our service and installation experience in the energy sector, including:
Solid concentrate closed- or open-loop water conditioners for boilers and cooling towers
UniSpot Air Conditioning Systems
TILI Ductless Air Conditioners
Intellidyne controls for HVAC and refrigeration optimization
Colmac coils for heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, and energy transfer
AET/Thermafin solar heating systems
American Chillers
We are committed to helping our customers achieve optimal energy performance and utility cost savings through product application, design and consulting services.
Energy Management begins with an Energy Vectors energy audit…
Effective management of energy-consuming systems can lead to significant cost and energy savings as well as increased comfort, lower maintenance costs, and extended equipment life. A successful energy management program begins with a thorough energy audit.
The energy audit evaluates the efficiency of all building and process systems that use energy. The energy vector, energy auditor, starts:
With utility meters, locating all energy sources coming into a facility.
The auditor then identifies energy streams for each fuel, quantifies those energy streams into discrete functions, evaluates the efficiency of each of those functions, and identifies energy and cost savings opportunities.
The energy streams lead to the end-use areas, products, processes and work stations.
Audit activities, in general order, include:
Analyze commissioning report studies (if taken)
Identify all energy systems
Benchmark buildings in audit against building standards
Evaluate the condition of the systems
Analyze the impact of improvements to those systems
Build an energy audit report
Build an energy portfolio for all buildings in group
The report documents:
The use and occupancy of the building.
The condition of the building and building systems equipment.
The report also recommends ways to improve efficiency through improvements in operation and maintenance items (O&M), and through installation of energy conservation measures (ECM).
It also give you a benchmark to base your buildings' portfolio against national averages.
Types of Audits:
THE WALK-THROUGH AUDIT. The walk-through audit is a tour of the facility to visually inspect each system. The walk-through includes an evaluation of energy consumption data to analyze energy use quantities and patterns, as well as to provide comparisons with industry averages, or benchmarks, for similar facilities. This is the least costly audit, but a level 1 audit can yield a preliminary estimate of savings potential and a list of low-cost savings opportunities through improvements in operational and maintenance practices, control system sequences, energy data recording and retro-commissioning tasks. The walk through audit information may be used for a more detailed audit later if the preliminary savings potential appears to warrant further auditing activity.
STANDARD AUDIT. The standard audit quantifies energy use and losses through a more detailed review and analysis of equipment, systems, operational characteristics, and on-site measurements and testing. Standard energy engineering calculations are used to analyze efficiencies and calculate energy and cost savings based on improvements and changes to each system. The standard audit will also include an financial evaluator to determine which ECM's warrant immediate attention.
COMPUTER SIMULATION. The computer audit is the most expensive level of energy audit and is most often warranted for complex facilities or systems. The audit includes more detailed energy use by function and a more comprehensive evaluation of energy use patterns. Computer simulation software is used to predict building system performance and accounts for changes in weather and other conditions. The goal is to build a base for comparison that is consistent with the actual energy use of the facility. The auditor will then make changes to improve the efficiency of various systems and measure the effects compared to the baseline. This method also accounts for interactions between systems to help prevent overestimation of savings.
Design, Engineering and Project Management
Over 23 years of experience in the HVAC industry - Our Team has:
Worked as service technicians for large commercial/industrial HVAC, refrigeration, and plumbing contractors
Designed, installed, and tuned building automation and PLC controllers
Consulted in energy matters with residential, commercial, and industrial customers on issues of energy problem solving with system needs and applications
Served as independent advisors to commercial and industrial customers on energy planning
Developed market analysis and purchasing specifications for commercial and industrial customers in buying energy in a commodity market
Performed project management with utilities and energy service providers
Designed and implemented commissioning programs for startup and testing energy conservation projects for the U.S. government
Sales and Program Management
20+ years of experience in sales and marketing management in the HVAC industry:
Specializing in manufacturer rep sales
Conduct sales/marketing programs for natural gas utilities, consulting engineers, contractors, and architects
Developing new OEM accounts in industrial, food process, medical, and HVAC industries
We have extensive specification experience and will help customers implement mechanical and control system designs for space heating, hot water generation, and process applications.
Construction and Operations Management
30+ years of hands-on and project management experience in the HVAC industry:
Project Responsibilities:
Held various project management positions in size from $1 million to $100 million
Water and steam boilers
Steam distribution systems
Steam pressure-reducing stations
Large built-up air-conditioning systems
Rooftop package units
Chiller systems from 10 to 1,000 tons in size
Installed air-compression stations and pneumatic control systems
Educational Backgrounds
Master of Business Administration, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Certified Refrigeration Technician, New England Technical Institute, New Britain, CT
Certified Energy Manager, Association of Energy Engineers
Bachelor of General Studies, University of Connecticut
Business Administration Belknap College, Center Harbor, NH
Massachusetts and Connecticut HVAC Contractors
Rhode Island Refrigeration Contractors
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bryant College, Smithfield, RI
Major concentration in Marketing
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
AEE - Association of Energy Engineers
BCA - Building Commissioning Association
©2003-2004 Energy Vectors, LLC
