Arctica Heating & Cooling Llc
Arctica Heating & Cooling Llc
174 Boston Post Road, Westbrook, CT 06498
Call 860.669.5804
FAX 860.669.8596
Our heating experts can repair, install or update your furnace, hot water boiler, water heater or zoned heating.
Have an annual cleanout and tune-up performed in the Spring or Summer before the heating season, to insure your system operates at peak efficiency. A dirty or poorly tuned furnace or boiler burns more oil, resulting in higher heating bills.
Heating and air conditioning systems professionally installed.
We install and service what we sell!
Super-efficient heating and cooling equipment: As an Arctica customer, you have access to a wide range of super-efficient heating and cooling equipment designed to suit your specific family needs, including:
Heating Equipment: Furnaces and Boilers
Air Conditioning Equipment
Hydro Air Systems
Hot Water Heaters
Electronic Air Filters
New Oil Tank Installations
Our friendly, knowledgeable equipment specialists will guide you through the entire process and recommend products on their efficiency, durability and ease of service.
TIPS: - If the oil burner fails to operate follow this check list:
Is thermostat setting five degrees or more above room temperature? Roll dial back and forth. Tap lightly.
Is emergency switch "ON"?
Is the circuit breaker tripped? Check for blown or loose fuse.
Press the re-set button on relay ONCE ONLY!
Is water at the proper level? (steam systems only)
If your burner still fails to operate Call Arctica 860-669-1515
© 2009 Just Clean Fuel, LLC
